Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Part Time Income

Many people love the idea of having some extra part time income and would love to be able to enjoy spending time with their family and friends. Some work part time and are involved in a variety of loose-ended jobs: delivering newspapers, selling encyclopedias door to door and even selling a little insurance. Although these experiences teach the basics of sales techniques and perseverance, they rarely offer any significant amount of income. Some even try the infamous MLM opportunities and, as many, are thoroughly disappointing.

Some of these so-called “home based businesses” promise a lot of people of achieving great wealth. They prey on unsuspecting folks with the idea of utilizing their families and friends and then having them recruit their friends, as well, for the purpose of generating sales. Some even require big start up costs for the purchase of their products and then a sacrifice of the first couple of sales to a “sponsor” or “mentor” before any income is reflected. Lastly, money back guarantees are rarely offered.

Scams are everywhere: illegal pyramids, ponzi, chain letters and gifting schemes. The owners of these companies love the idea of taking advantage of the individuals recruited performing all of the sales for them while they are banking the money. What is worse is that these people had to spend practically an arm and a leg to even get access to these programs. They offer absolutely no support and never respond to any email inquiries or telephone calls. A complete waste of time!!! As the old saying goes, if it looks to good to be true than it probably is.

What ever happened to good old fashion instruction on how you can build your part time home based business - establishing sound fundamentals with little or no-start up costs. People want to find a particular income vehicle that they can operate out of the comfort of their own home. The Internet has provided this as a reality for many in the form of Internet Marketing. Many work-from-home opportunities have been investigated online and some have been found that seem extremely appealing. Again, as with most home-based business programs, care is always to be taken to avoid making irrational decisions.

There are programs available that include basic instructional guides with respect to making an income on-line. Some have excellent email support and they even offer money back guarantees on their products. What you want to look for are programs that cost less than what you would pay for a full tank of gas or dinner for 2 at a neighborhood restaurant. These types of programs will guide you in the right direction and assist you with defining your goals and aspirations. Remember without having to sacrifice your full time job, family, and friends, anyone can achieve an excellent part time income. Visit for more info

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Affiliate Cash Vault Review

Have you been considering the Affiliate Cash Vault? Or are you looking to start making some cash working from the comfort of your home?
My review of Affiliate Cash Vault - The pros and cons!
This program includes: 3 e-books, Page generator software, (works like a dream)-Multiple show you "how to do it" videos, Dozens very good resources. -A very valuable keyword list and ongoing help! The Affiliate Cash Vault recipe for making $200 week and that is just the beginning.

Affiliate Cash Vault -The Good
I was really impressed with the 2 methods of earning cash on auto-pilot presented in the affiliate cash vault. I am impressed because they work. The first, marketing affiliate programs is not new and if done correctly the resources for making affiliate income on auto-pilot in the affiliate cash vault is what truly set this apart from other programs. The second method is truly and utterly amazing. It is basically known as Google arbitrage, in simple terms buying traffic for pennies and selling it for dollars. This is a very hard field to find information on because people doing it aren't letting "the cat out of the bag" if you will To my knowledge there is only one other resource covering Google arbitrage and it can't even come close to the affiliate cash vault course. You are given every tool and resource to make this work for you.

Affiliate Cash Vault - The Bad
The very first thing that irritated me was the lay out. After purchasing the course, I was a little confused on where to download the book. After looking at it a bit I realized that there was a whole lot more to the affiliate cash vault than just a book. The top of the page is where you can find the quick start links. Then downloads of the books, videos and software is on the bottom of the page.

Affiliate Cash Vault - Overall review
My overall review is that if you are new to making money on the internet or have not made any money at all then grab it now! This course is made for the extreme "newbie" internet marketer. This is the least expensive course I have ever purchased that had so much overall value. Highest Recommendation.

If you are already making some money on the internet and are not a "newbie", I would still recommend the Affiliate Cash Vault. WHY? The resources alone are worth the price alone, plus the web page software included is currently performing on an average of 20% click thru rate which is almost unheard of! Find out more at

The Rich Jerk

The Rich Jerk is a bestselling E-book written by an anonymous millionaire who reveals the secrets about how he used to create fortune. It is not really a step-by-step guide to making money, but actually a book of ideas and instructions. Any one of the ideas, if applied correctly, could possibly make you extremely wealthy. I have absolutely no clue who the Rich Jerk is, and really, don't care. The information in the book was solid and original. I had to read it a couple of time though to properly grasp the ideology of making an income online. Some of the topics covered in the book are:

Making money with affiliate programs, making money with Adwords, AdSense, E-currency Trading, HYIP, selling on Ebay and Search Engine Optimization strategies.

For the most part, I thought this was an excellent book because it covered so many different topics. It was easy to read, and only 64 pages. But don't let the length fool you into thinking there is not much information. The Rich Jerk had better content that most other ebooks I have read, which were typically much longer and filled with a lot of wasted and repeated junk.

I recommend the Rich Jerk to anyone who wants to start an online business, but is not sure which opportunity to pursue. People who already have a business, but want some fresh ideas on marketing and making more money with their sites will benefit from the material. Be advised, the Rich Jerk is not for the faint of heart or for those who are easily offended. His style of instruction is a one two punch on how to make a ton of money on the internet. For more information please go to

I started this blog to discuss reviews of the very best internet opportunities available today. Internet marketing is and has been the wave of the future. It is probably the most lucrative way of obtaining extra part time income. There are many ways to accomplish this in the comfort of your own home and many of these business programs have very little start up costs. In the pursuit of establishing an internet income program always try to look for those that have an email support staff, sound instruction and most importantly a money back guarantees.