Sunday, August 06, 2006

Important Issues When Utilizing Web Blogs

The advent of technology brings many things that humans have never imagined. One of these is the internet. The power of the internet brings things closer to us and makes the world smaller and narrower. The internet paved the way to radical and far-reaching means of communication.

Through the internet, people communicate with no limitations. One way of communicating in the internet is through web blogs. A web blog or web log is a website that displays journals posted in chronological order by individuals or groups and usually has links to other web pages and to video, audio and other links.

There are different web blogs that focuses on a particular area interests. These include the arts, home, computers, recreation, science, sports, business, games, internet, reference, shopping, world, comics, health, news, world regions, society etc.

Blogs are far different from traditional sites and forums or newsgroups. Unlike traditional sites, blogs allow the easy creation of new pages for entering and submitting new data into a simple form. Automated templates take care of adding the article to the home page, creating the new full article page and adding the article to the appropriate date or category- base archive.

Blogs also allow easy filtering of content for various presentations and allows the administrator to invite and add other authors whose permissions and access are easily managed.

Bloggers do not manage the software. The software management is done by server- based systems. These systems allow travelers to blog from anywhere in the world with web interfaces. Those bloggers with common interests share blogrolls, list of links that create a context for a blog, and help each other increase their visibility on the internet.

Visitors can post comment to individual blog entries with the aid of feedback comment system. Those popular blogs have frequent comments, but many bloggers prefer to just pre- screen or block comments.

Users can maintain web- hosted blog even without the need to be online while composing or editing posted blogs through the use of tools. There is software available or programs enabling multiple blogs to be automatically notified where certain topical or other changes can be made to one blog.

Like the other innovations in the technology, blogs and blogging brings advantages and disadvantages. This is a fact that exists in every thing being introduced in the world.

With blogs, the citizens and costumers are potentially better informed. This is good for societies and economies for it makes people knowledgeable on the things that are happening in the world.

Blogs are a positive way of collecting feedback and criticism. It keeps people on point. Through blogs, people can offer comentary; react to certain pieces and many others.
Through blogs, an organization or the society can develop stronger relationships and make loyalty with the people. Blogs let people interact at face value of an organization.

Despite the pros it brings, blogs also have some cons as well. One is that, in blogs, most people are unable to write down their ideas in a clear and convincing way. Since writing is one of the most difficult and time consuming tasks for a human being to undertake and many blogs are not updated, so it damages the reputation of an organization or society rather than enhancing it.

Since everything can be posted in blogs, it can make many organizations look like they are disorganized with multiple tones and opinions. Contrary to what some might think, the average person prefers that the organization or society is at least somewhat purposeful and rational.

Web blogs are really an innovation of technology users cannot ignore because it brings many things to the public. The benefits blogging offers should also be used properly for the good of all concerned and not for worse.

Created by the owner of

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Top 10 Things Every Site Should Include

While almost anyone can have a web site these days it’s much harder to have a good website. From design aspects to readable content many sites fall flat. Below I’ve arranged a Top 10 list, because everyone loves a Top 10!
1. Include a detailed About Us page.
The About Us page is a good place for new visitors and target traffic to find out who you are, why they should read your content or buy your products, how valuable your site can be, and also general information about your company, web site, or you. It’s a good idea to include contact information or at least a clear link to your Contact Us page. Keep concise and accurate. People want to read about you but they don’t want a novel. Add important information on this page and point them to other pages for more in depth coverage.
2. Include a Contact Us page
Visitors (shoppers, target traffic) need an easy way to get in touch. Have a clearly marked link for contact information and include every avenue you receive communication through. Telephone and fax numbers (both local and 800), e-mail addresses, physical addresses, etc. all should appear on this page.To help navigate further, clearly indicate which contacts go where (i.e. Admin, Tech, Sales, etc.) This will decrease frustration on both ends and allow better communication to flow. You want to show your visitors that you are competent and friendly, being easy to contact is one of the best ways to accomplish this goal.
3. Add a News, Press Release, Blog, and/or Articles Page
These pages inform customers of current events, products, endorsements, and other company happenings all in one place. Make sure to maintain these pages with fresh content that is reader friendly so your target traffic is more likely to come back, bookmark your page, and they may even provide word-of-mouth advertising. Free advertising!As a bonus, search engines love these types of pages. New, fresh, relevant content is the stuff of search engines (well, there’s obviously more to it than just content). Each time a search engine spider crawls your site and finds new content it ups your chances of ranking higher in the organic search listings. More free advertising!
4. A Relevant Page Title
As uninteresting as this may sound your page title holds a lot of weight. If you’re unfamiliar with a page title it is the name appearing in the blue bar across the top of the page. If your says something like “Untitled Document” I’m talking to you.Page titles should be different for every page in your site. They should clearly and accurately describe your page, and you should try to use keywords in the page title.Search engines display the title of your page on SERPs. The catchier and more accurate your title the better the chance you’ll hit target traffic.
5. A Relevant Page Name
Again, not so interesting as flashy designs or up-to-the-minute content, but it’s a necessity to get your target traffic to your page to see or read the goods. It’s better to have straightforward page name showing in the URL than names with? or other symbols and numbers. For example, a search engine will go to " us.htm" it will only go to the? In "" . You want search engines to find your pages. You also want humans to be able to read your names. Keep it simple and clean.
6. Good Grammar, Correct Spelling, Complete Thoughts, Sentence Structure
Everything you were supposed to learn in grade school, use it now. Not only should your site have relevant content – the more the better – people should be able to read your content. Choppy or runon sentences that seem to go nowhere cannot provide the type of readership concise, correct sentences can. Misspellings, wrong word usage, bad grammar are all distractions. You do not want to distract your readers, you want to captivate them. Slang and derogatory language also distracts. If your site is a business site avoid slang and offensive language all together – unless that’s your selling point. Jargon is different; just don’t confuse readers more than necessary.If you aren’t in command of grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, etc. or if you’d rather focus your efforts elsewhere, that’s fine. It’s a good idea to beg, plead, hire, or force someone else to take care of this part then as ignoring the problem won’t make it go away though it may have that effect on site traffic.
7. Professional Design, Colors, and Images
Design should be implemented with usability in mind. Not all visitors will be as web savvy as you’d like, create easy navigation and links to all your pages. A search bar for your site is also a good idea. Colors should be inviting, not blinding. Use colors to emphasize your brand, product or content. Don’t overpower the visitor with colors. Use colors to make text pop without being distracting or hard to read. Images should be friendly and relevant to your site. Images of people work better than objects and clip art rarely has a positive effect. Make sure your images can load within a reasonable amount of time, you don’t want to lose visitors because a single image caused an incredible amount of load time, or worse froze the visitors browser.
8. Make Sure ALL Links Are Working Links
This should be a no-brainer, however it is always a good idea to check and double check your links. Fix any broken links A.S.A.P. Your reputation counts on it. Think of any site you’ve been to with a broken link. Disappointing isn’t it? You probably left or at least had a negative image about the company. Avoid this mistake and check, recheck, and check your links again.
9. Use Your Log Files
Log files offer a plethora of information on your web site, your visitors, what works and what doesn’t. You can’t afford to miss out on this information – if you can afford it you shouldn’t anyway.Make sure you enable logging of the referer in your log files. By doing this you'll be able to determine where your visitors arrive from. Best idea: Get a program that converts the lengthy text into readable documentation. It’ll save you time and energy while getting you the information you desire. Log files will describe customer behavior, they will show you broken links, and you’ll see where customers flow freely and where they abandon the site. The invaluable information is at your finger tips. Use it!
10. SSL (Secure Socket Layer) Certificates
These can be used on any site asking for sensitive information. Not every web site needs this, however if you plan to collect any visitor information it is a good idea to have some SSL pages. Though not every page need be SSL. Pages requiring e-mail, names, telephone numbers, addresses, credit card information, social security information or any other information visitors may not readily be giving up online should be securely collected via SSL.

Created by Kristen Owen of

Top 10 Reasons to Become an Affiliate Marketer

Top 10 Reasons to Become an Affiliate Marketer
Back when my online business consisted ONLY of affiliatesites, I had no need for a personal assistant.
The sites were all in place, and my affiliated merchants handled everything related to orders.
Last week, one of my clients mentioned that he was movingAWAY from selling his own products to promoting more affiliate programs just for the simplicity and freedom.
Yup, he definitely 'gets' it.
Although there are many, many benefits to promotingaffiliate programs with your own home-based Internetbusiness, here are my top 10 reasons to become an affiliatemarketer.
1. No Product Development Costs - The cost to develop andproduce a new product is expensive! But you needn't worryabout that as an affiliate.
2. Low Cost Set-up - Got a desk, Internet-connected computerand word-processing software? You're in business!
3. No Fees or Geographic Limits on Distribution - Affiliateprograms are usually free to join, and market reach islimited only by the affiliate's ability to promote his orher web site.
4. Choose from Thousands of Products and Services - Whatisn't sold online? With affiliate networks like CommissionJunction, Be Free and Linkshare, it's easy to find productsrelated to your current or planned web site.
5. No Merchant Account Required - Forget the problemsassociated with collecting and storing names, addresses,credit card numbers, etc. The merchant handles all paymentprocessing, so you never have to lose sleep overchargebacks, fraud or losing your merchant account.
6. No Inventory to Carry - Even if you live in a smallone-bedroom apartment, you can sell large items withoutstorage concerns.
7. No Shipping Costs - Don’t worry about buying packingsupplies or postal rates. The cost and hassle to prepare andship products to customers worldwide belongs to themerchant.
8. No Customer Concerns - Do you hate the prospect of dealingwith nasty people? Don't worry about it! The merchanthandles the snivelers.
9. Make Money While You Sleep - What other business allowsyou as a sole proprietor to keep your doors open and keepmaking money even when you take breaks or after you go homefor the night?
10. High Income Potential - With your own affiliatebusiness your income potential is limited only by yourdesire, effort and imagination - not your boss.
Relatively low outlay of resources with huge potential returns truly makes affiliate marketing on the Internet an outstanding business opportunity
Resource Box
Article by Rosalind Gardner, author of the best-selling "Super Affiliate Handbook: How I Made $436,797 in One Year Selling Other People's Stuff Online". To learn how you too can succeed in Internet and affiliate marketing, please visit